Seja um Voluntário
O voluntariado é fundamental para a OSCIP SOS Animais de Rua. Para se tornar um voluntário, é preciso ter 18 anos ou mais e identificar-se com a missão da organização.O processo seletivo consiste em:
Inscrição: Preenchimento de um formulário online.
Entrevista online para apresentação e tirar dúvidas.
Seleção: Análise dos candidatos e escolha dos selecionados.
Período de experiência: Três meses de experiência para os voluntários selecionados.
Termo de adesão: Assinatura do termo de adesão conforme a lei.

As atividades dos voluntários incluem:
Atendimento em mutirões (registros manuais de entrada e saída de animais e tutores, pesagem de animais e etc).
Transporte de animais para atendimento médico.
Lançamento de notas fiscais.
Participação em eventos da organização.
Transporte de materiais e pessoas.
É importante ressaltar que:
O voluntário deve fornecer seu próprio transporte para os mutirões.
A organização pode tentar providenciar caronas, mas não garante.
A responsabilidade pelo deslocamento é sempre do voluntário.
Working at
This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.
Let people know what the business is looking for in candidates: experience, personality, education, certifications or other requirements.
If they'll need to submit samples of their work or other materials with their applications, let them know here.
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.
for Professionals
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.
for Students
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.
This is the space to tell people what it's like to work with the business. Describe the team's culture and why people enjoy being a part of it. Encourage qualified viewers to apply for open positions and tell them how to submit their applications.